Friday, March 27, 2009

california day1* cuda

Yet another blog up after who knows how long... not exactly sure how this is gonna go, but we'll just go from here.

With my (fairly) new mentality (mentality* cuda) so many things have come into a whole new light for me. Life just seems so much easier. One of the things that comprises of my newly acquired is to not count the burdens, but to count the blessings.

From March 23 - 30th has been one BIG blessing (not that every day isn't a blessing but those particular dates are meant to be recognized.

I got to spend time with my family in California.

I realized that we don't do much as a family anymore. Well, I guess the correct thing to say is that I don't spend much time with them anymore, mostly because I'm "too busy" or "have other things to do" which are no excuses. Boo for me....

Either way, this blog is dedicated to my family, the spring break we shared together, and the many blessings in it.

DAY1, MARCH 23rd 2008:
I still had credit from the Mesa trip that I did not attend, which caused me to fly separately from my family (they were on Hawaiian Air and I on United). I had no luggage because my famliy took it as THEIR own luggage, so as I was dropped off, I wondered if there was such a thing as a "carry on luggage" only line. I waited in a LONG line for a bit, but yes there was a line for that so I didn't have to stand forever and a day in a line for nothing (1st blessing of the day).

The seating was not predetermined, so there was an option to change seats before the flight. My original seat was in 49E, which meant I was going to be in the dead center of the plane with TWO people on the right and the left. Fortunately, I was able to change my seat to 40C, which meant that I was going to get an isle seat! But when I got on the plane, there was someone already in my seat: a much older looking man (more than likely older than my own grandpa) in a business suit. The entire 40th row was filled with the exception of 1 seat, the MIDDLE seat, which I assumed was the old mans seat. He looked tired, worn, sleepy, and looked as if he NEEDED that seat much more than I did, so I didn't say anything and let him sit there and instead sat in the middle seat. Now I know this may not make sense, but even though my seat ended up being in the center (which again I did NOT want), the row that I was moved into was right in front of one of the center walls of the plane. Now what does that mean? Well, there was PLENTY leg room AND there right in front of me was a screen, not really widescreen, but a very clear picture (2nd blessing of the day). Its funny how you ask for something and sometimes you don't get exactly what you want, but end up getting something better. I noticed that the older man that was in my seat got up a few times to go to the bathroom, which was real easy for him since he had that isle seat. Everyone ended up satisfied: He got an isle seat, and while I didn't exactly get an isle seat, I got penty leg room to stretch, and a nice screen to watch "The Big Bang Theory" and "Quantum of Solace" on.

After meeting up with my family in San Francisco, we got our rental car (or SUV to be exact)and had to upgrad to AWD because of the adventures to come (free upgrade btw. 3rd blessing of the day)

Our hotel (well not really a hotel) called the Staybridge was prety darn awesome considering it was only a "three star hotel". The place was located RIGHT NEXT to a town center and the Tanforan Mall. Our room was right up the stairs, first building on the right, right next to the barbeque pit, a full kitchen, two bedrooms, three TVs two full baths, clean and comfortable. How convenient huh? (4th blessing of the day)

At first, I wasn't that excited at all about the trip. But so far God had other plans for me :)

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