Wednesday, November 26, 2008

thanksgiving* cuda

So... its been forever and a day since I've last wrote this, and what perfect time to now that we are hours away from the the day we give thanks (turkey day! :P).

Not only is this the day that everyone around the world will gain a healthy amount of weight but a special time for us to reflect what we are truly thankful for...

I asked myself today as I was driving to the Honolulu Academy of Arts, "What am I thankful for?"

I honestly couldn't answer, not that there was anything that I WASN'T thankful for, but that there are TONS of things that I'm thankful for and I feel like that I HAVE to include everything, otherwise I feel bad if I don't mention it...

But what the heck... let me just give this a shot... and in no particular order...

1) My family
Who knows where the HECK I would be without them. My mom and dad do absolutely NOTHING, but love and support me in EVERY SINGLE WAY that they can, even though I know for a FACT that I drive them up the walls. My sister Lindsey is possibly the most irritable and most "uglee" thing on the face of this Earth, yet she is capable of SO much more than she realizes in school, church, and anything that she puts her mind and dedication to. My brother Logan is the fattest, most rascal thing to ever come into my life, but he knows how to have fun and to make everyone in the family smile with his humor. Plus he pwns YOU at Beast and the Harlot in Guitar Hero 2 and And Justice for All on drums in Rock Band.

2) My church family
I don't think I've ever felt happier with a particular group of people before, and this section contains SO many people that I couldn't write them down even if I tried. You know who you are if you're reading this (think Tuesday night at the meeting). I thank you for your prayers, your insight, your time, and I thank you for your dedication to serving our God in His name.

3) The "Candi's"
I call this year of 2008, the year of the candidates. And you know, it's all because of you guys, the official and unofficial. I thank you for believing in me, for seeing SOMETHING in me, and for picking to help lead you on your spiritual journeys. Because of you I've missed school, been absent to important meetings, wasted gas, used up cell phone minutes, racked up mileage, been yelled at, gotten in trouble, lost money, gained weight, gotten headaches, been frustrated, confused, put in deep discernment, made vulnerable, prayed more hours than I can remember, and more.... and you know what? It's worth every God given moment, and I would do it ALL over again if the opportunity came up...

4) The guy with like nicest RX8 and 3 bikes
I know this wll probably sound gay but whatever. You have no idea how much fun I have when we have our study sessions, even when we actually DO get stuff done. Your advice on cars and life in general too I will remember forever. And I especially thank you for our deep talks that we had while we were studying too. I'm forever on the "listen to 'the guy with nice RX8 and 3 bikes'" plan. (But I don't care what you say, flat balck wheels are UGLY!)

5) Dr.
I felt so dumb for not thanking you sooner and I cannot thank you enough. Not only for the hospitality and listening, but for BEING THERE when I couldn't be alone. Those who "keep me together" I will always be thankful for and once again THANK YOU for helping me hold myself together when I thought I was at my serious worst.

6) the DB
What can I say? You are more than anyone can ask for. I HATE you. I hate how our mentalities are so alike. I hate how I can talk to you so comfortably. I hate how we always hang out. I hate how strong your relationship with God is. I hate how passionate you are in serving Him. I hate how open your heart is. I hate with how much you trust me. And I hate how much that I trust you. You are the absolute BEST. I hate that! :)

7) The Creator
Thank You for everything! The blessings You have given me, but especially the lessons You have taught me. I know I asked for it but really, thank You for Your punishments in the forms of blessings. I know I can get frustrated at times with You, but I do trust with whatever You have planned for me. I thank You for all the opportunities You have given me to strengthen my gifts and I just humbly ask that you continue to do whatever it is you wanna do with me.

8) The ones that I forgot
I haven't forgot about you, you all are in my heart and very much appreciated...

For now, Happy Thanksgiving everyone.... and good luck on Black Friday :)


samichtu said...

that's like 10 things i hate about your or something :] haha there were TEN hates!

but i'll substitute it for another word... maybe...

hating you is so worth it<3

It's Mailyn fool! said...

AWW shucks, i know you love us (: Thank you!