So I did the dumbest thing ever this evening, I took a shot of those 5 hour energy drink things so now I'm stuck staying up until this thing wears off.
Anyway, I'm online looking at random sites and I come across something that makes me realize something... it's not THAT important actually, but it IS a small thing that I've noticed about the opposite sex:
One word, one syllable, four letters...
yes... I said it... HAIR...
What I read is pretty much true, and what I read is VERY similar situation that happened to me I'll try to combine what I read with the similar situation that happened to me. I'll summarize this as best as I can.
I'm not going to say that hair is "a little thing", but 'hair can do simple actions that can create powerful emotions'. One day I was going to my car after school, when I bumped into a friend of mines. From what I know, this friend ALWAYS takes care of her hair, and though there's little time I've known her, I don't EVER recall seeing it "not taken care of". It was a particularly windy day and as we were talking, a gust of wind blew right through her hair. 'The indescribable motion that took place in her hair was beautiful'. Of course, I wasn't going to say anything out loud, but there were even a group of guys (skipping school I might add) that were walking by and 'turned their heads to look'. I already had a hard day because of tutoring, but I realized that just by 'seeing wind go through my friend's hair put me in a good mood the rest of the day'. While I won't admit out loud (:P) that hair is a "big deal", 'little random moments can create big, great things'.
And I also realized that a very good friend of mines has been having that same effect on me for a long time, before the situation I mentioned...
Haha, I know, this is SUCH a random moment, but then again, I'm pretty random... I think... >.<
To sum it all up though: It's the LITTLE things, the SMALLEST things that makes a BIGGER impact on things. AND it makes it much more special...
__________* cuda
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1 comment:
can i take a guess who this is? lol.
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